Prolonging the life of your roof for as long as possible accomplishes many things. It saves you a ton of money because the cost of a replacement is anything but cheap. The longer your roof lasts, the less waste you contribute to landfills. Even if you are financially comfortable and your current roof is eco-friendly, the installation of the new one can upend your life for many days.
If you ask Pressure Point Roofing Eugene, LLC, preventive maintenance is a cost-effective and ethical practice. But the question is how should you go about it? Use these helpful tips to keep your residential roofing system from retiring early:
Keep Your Gutters Clean
Rule number one is to keep your gutters and downspouts debris-free. Dead foliage can clog the drains, causing the water to pool.
Standing water is detrimental to not only your roof, but also your house in many ways. The water could seep into construction materials and damage your interiors. When it pours over the gutters, it could drown your shrubbery, weaken your house’s foundation and flood your basement.
Furthermore, clogged gutters increase the chances of ice damming. The trapped water could turn into ice with the cold winter air and cause snowmelt to freeze more quickly.
To avoid all of these inconveniences, take regular gutter cleaning seriously. This task is never exciting, but it is always important, which is why it shouldn’t be put off.
Cut Nearby Tree Branches
Any trees with overhanging limbs less than 10 feet from your house should be trimmed periodically. Doing so helps reduce leaf accumulation atop your roof, which is a headache in itself.
Such branches can cause abrasion and puncture roofing materials. Rough and pointy limbs can scrape the protective top layer of asphalt shingles and metal panels with the wind. If long enough, these branches can give critters with gnawing tendencies easy access to your roof.
Routinely Schedule Roof Inspections
Routine inspections are at the heart of preventive roof maintenance. Whether you notice any cause for concern or not, a professional crew should evaluate your roof regularly. This way, red flags can be identified and addressed as soon as possible. Repairs might not be covered by your roof warranty, but the job’s overall cost would pale in comparison to that of a replacement.
Turn to Pressure Point Roofing Eugene, LLC, to successfully prevent premature roof retirement. Call us at (541) 393-8183 now to schedule a consultation, and get your free estimate in Eugene, OR, or any neighboring community.